Alesto Dental

Alesto Dental

Prof. José Gutiérrez Durán Street # 208-4 , Downey, C.P. 21450, Tecate B.C.

  • medical_services
    Dental Treatments
    $ 300 MXN
  • medical_services
    $ 2,000 MXN
  • medical_services
    Removable Prostheses​
    $ 300 MXN
  • medical_services
    $ 400 MXN
  • medical_services
    $ 1,000 MXN

At Alesto, our commitment goes beyond offering oral health treatments. We are interested in providing highly professional care in each of our work areas, contributing to improving people’s quality of life through a highly qualified multidisciplinary team, with the values ​​that distinguish us as a socially responsible clinic.

Knowing the importance of creating an environment of trust when requesting oral health services, treatments, and/or consultations, we carry out our work with the required dedication and transparency, prioritizing the care of our patients and their families, bearing in mind our commitment at all times. Alesto’s mission and reason for being.

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