plastic surgery in mexico

Plastic Surgery in Mexico is one of the most popular procedures in medical tourism for Canadians and US citizens.  Plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery, dentistry, orthopedic surgery, ophthalmology and bariatric surgery treatments are the top reasons medical tourists travel to our country.

The most popular plastic surgery procedures in Mexico are:
  • Breast Surgery (augmentation)
  • Weight Loss Surgery
  • Rhinoplasty (nose job)
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction
Why do medical tourists travel to Mexico for plastic surgery?
  1. Price
    The reason why medical tourism started is the high cost of medical care in some countries. Travelling to Mexico for a plastic surgery can save medical tourists a lot of money even when it means having to pay for transportation, hotel nights and other expenses. Considering you get the same quality treatment in both countries the price difference is amazing!

  2. Quality
    Mexican surgeons and hospital facilities are top quality, but if you have any doubt about it, it is important that you verify the doctor’s and hospital accreditation before you go. One of the main attractive qualities of medical care in Mexico, is that medical tourism oriented clinics have the friendliest staff ready to help their patients to feel welcomed all the way through their plastic surgery procedures.

  3. Location
    For most of the patients from the US and Canada, travelling to get plastic surgery in Mexico is really easy and inexpensive. And it is nice and makes them feel safer to be close to home, so close that in many cases it is just a matter of driving for a few hours to get there or simply crossing the border. And there are top plastic surgery clinics just across the border in cities like Tijuana and Mexicali, who offer border shuttle and hotel transportation to medical tourist so they won’t have to worry about those little details.

    Also, for those medical tourist that are looking not just for a medical treatment but for a more relaxing or fun adventure there are amazing top clinics in cities like San Jose del Cabo, Puerto Vallarta and Cancun; so they can enjoy the beautiful beaches and sunsets while they recover their plastic surgery procedures.

  4. Language
    In Mexico, plastic surgery clinics staff have a high rate of fluency in English, so communication between them and their patients won’t be a problem. This is really important because a surgery can be a complicated procedure and is necessary that the patient fully understands every indication from the doctor and is able to ask any question before and during the process.

  5. Because Mexico it’s beautiful!
    I don’t think you need more reasons, Mexico is a country that has something for everyone. Each city in Mexico has a story to tell, is rich in culture and will give you a friendly welcome. If you like the beach, the city, the desert, the forest, hiking, surfing, swimming, arts, food, wine, beer or Mexican traditions you can enjoy it there. So if you are ready to visit this beautiful country to get a plastic surgery procedure, let us help you find the best clinics and the best prices!

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